About Us
The seed for the Health Wisdom Network was sown soon after our relationship began in 2012. Our shared vision has moved through several stages of growth and expression, both individually and together.
We initially launched Soul Integrity Ltd, our company in 2014, followed by our educational platform Health Wisdom Institute in 2017.
These currently dynamic times have inspired us to create this collaborative platform as a hub for community service, inspiration and support.
We share a common vision and have developed our health wisdom principles through many years of direct personal and professional experience. We have each cultivated different skills and knowledge of specialist subjects that really complement each other.
We value collaboration with aligned allies to share new perspectives and insights so that we can learn from each other... the whole is always greater than the sum of the parts.
About Jenny
"When we realise the impact of decisions made about our health, especially from our early years, that have disregarded the beautiful, intricate and wise messages offered by body, mind and spirit, it can be heart-breaking on many levels.
To offer this resource makes my heart sing. I think of every person I have nursed that has felt vulnerable and afraid when their health felt out of control. Here, we are providing a forum to explore choices and gain awareness to make truly informed decisions from an empowered position.
I am excited to share the huge array of viewpoints, practical awareness and knowledge that keep hope alive and solutions near at hand.
I have personally experienced and explored the terrain of health conundrums in great depth, and continue to do so each day. I know how it feels to be searching for understanding and solutions, especially to the health challenges with far-reaching ramifications.
I continue to learn with you in this increasingly dynamic world we live in. I hope to inspire those who wish to deepen their self-knowledge, feel more alive each day and offer the brightest, healthiest future for our next generation."
Jenny Brown - BSc(Hons), DipCA (NatNut) - Independent Healthcare Professional With Extensive Nursing Knowledge
Jenny’s Special Interests include:
Enabling Truly Informed Consent For Important Health Decisions From Un-biased Evidenced Based Research
Exploring The Potential Impact Of Suppressive Intervention And Decisions At The Physical, Emotional And Societal Levels
The Complexity Of The Gut:Brain Connection
Immune Suppression, Metabolic, Digestive, Endocrine And Nervous System Health
Heavy Metal Accumulation
The Fundamental And Crucial Importance Of Our Nutrition And The Far Reaching Impact Of Compromise In This Nourishment
Naturopathic Theory And Detoxification Techniques
The Vaccination Paradigm
Pre-Conceptual And Peri-Natal Health
Genetics And The Fascinating Study Of Epigenetic And Trans-Generational Influences
Ancient Wisdom and Healing Modalities
About Quinn
Life has led me to a range of vocations including Natural Health
Advocate, Artist, Healing Arts Therapist, Guitarist, Gardener, Microbiology Lab Technician.
I continue to passionately explore and gain greater understanding about our amazingly dynamic bodies and our ability to heal when supporting the natural intelligence that is innate within our cellular structure.
I am appreciating more and more the interconnectedness of all things. The relationships and influencing factors between our body, thoughts, emotions, ancestral patterns and community, our inner and outer ecology, the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm and so on. By gaining an awareness of these connections, I feel we can more gracefully navigate our path forward and embrace a more wholesome, nourishing and purpose-filled life.
As we embrace our higher purpose, we can each contribute our unique gifts with the world and together to live the new world.
Quinn Bluewood DipNut, Dip HMa
Quinn's Resonant Interests Include:
Cellular Terrain and Metabolic Optimisation
Energy Medicine and Healing
Ayurvedic Marma Healing Therapy and Massage
Liquid Crystalline Water Science
Cellular Biology, Biophotonics and Our Bioelectric Body
Living Foods and Super Wild Food Nutrition
Naturopathic Detoxification
Microbiome and Epigenetic Optimisation
Life Vision Quest Guidance
Gene Keys Guidance
Qi Gong, TCM and Ayurveda
Taoist Tonic Herbalism
Human Potential and Optimisation
Art and Painting
Music, Sound Healing and Guitar
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is intended for educational, informational and awareness purposes only, and is copyright protected to Soul Integrity Ltd partnering with the Health Wisdom Network. Through our services and educational material, we have no intention of offering any diagnosis, treatment or cure for any condition or disease, but rather to support the natural self-healing and re-balancing ability of body, mind and spirit through awareness and knowledge. Full responsibility remains with each individual for the decisions made about their own health and life.